Hunter S Johnson

1 movie

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Look at me… Inspired by the sexploitation films of Russ Meyers and Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow...

Bang Click Bang

With: Maria Riot, Bishop Black, Rod Hardick, Hunter S Johnson, Kinky Panda, Noir So

Look at me… Inspired by the sexploitation films of Russ Meyers and Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up (1966), HardWerk’s latest gang bang is a slow burning subversion of cinematic tropes that finds the carnal in the camp and the sumptuous in the sleaze. For her first ever gang bang and first facial on film, lead performer Maria Riot and the filmmakers reimagined the figure of the bossy (and generally male) photographer with a much-needed shift on the gender axis, so allowing Maria to take the lead in quite literally staging her own fantasy. Here, the line between object, subject and artist can become blurred; men in all their exaggerated machismo can become eager playthings, and the directive cannot go unheeded: look at me.

Bang Click Bang Bang Click Bang Bang Click Bang Bang Click Bang Bang Click Bang Bang Click Bang
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